ITW can provide all of their services in this area. In the area of cleaning and decontamination we can provide, among the others, the following services:
- Cleaning of oil tankers
- Cleaning of FPSO
- Cleaning of product tankers
- Cleaning of barges
- Cleaning of bilge water circuit
- Quick and effective gas-freeing of tanks
- Quick and effective gas-freeing of FPSO
- Support to savage operations (quick and safe removal of fuel from fuel tanks)
ITW can also provide all the specialty chemicals required during navigation and water treatment, such as:
Water side
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Antiscalants
- Oxygen scavengers
- Boilers internal treatment
- Treatment of steam-condensate network
- Biocides
Process side
- Combustion improvers
- Demulsifiers
- Antifoulants
- Stabilizers of asphaltenes
- Fuel treatment
- Particulate and NOx emissions reduction
Among ITW provided chemicals, a specific note is to be addressed to our combustion improvement technology which is applicable to any bunker fuel and allows to achieve the following results:
- Particulate emission reduction
- NOx emissions reduction
- Reduction of sludge precipitation in fuel storage tanks
- Reduction of centrifuges’ load
- Better fuel atomization and engine performance
- Fuel consumption reduction