Our proprietary asphaltene stabilization technology has been duly modified to achieve distillation yield increase in thermal cracking processes.
In a Delayed Coker pilot plant test (made at an Oil Company’s Research Centre) the feedstock was a mix of Lagotreco, Belaym and Sarir Vacuum residues having the following characteristics
A blank run has been performed to build the base case; coke yield was 34 wt%.
An additivized run was performed in the same operating conditions than the blank run and the proprietary ITW chemical
was added into the feed; coke yield reduced to 30 wt%.
As result of ITW proprietary chemical injection, coke yield was reduced by 4 %, and this translated in the following product
yield improvement :
Yield improvements of roughly 4% were also obtained in lab test runs on Visbreaker with heavy feedstocks (Libyan/Arabian/Iranian/Egyptian Vacuum residues).
See also others ITW Services: